I may be a little old fashioned, but I really do love the holiday season. The sweet treats, the music, and (obviously) the crafts! You can make so many things quickly and easily to help brighten up the season around the house. Weather outdoors be darned – it’s ultimate crafting season!
Little Hats, Big Hearts, Declan’s Story & A Free Pattern
Learn about the Little Hats, Big Hearts campaign, and how you can help raise awareness for infant and preemie heart health through yarn crafts! Read baby Declan’s preemie story to find out why making little hats matters, and snag a free pattern for the Declan Hat, available in preemie & infant sizes.
Knit Heart Ornament – 12 Ornaments of Christmas
Even if you don’t want to knit up this sweet little heart as an ornament, it easily doubles as a nice gift topper or baby toy. As a gift, this simple knit heart could cheer even the humbuggiest of Scrooges!
Picks of the Week
I have got so much holiday crafting to do this weekend, you guys! I’m probably sounding a bit like a broken record, but holy crap, the holidays are coming.
Knit Star Ornament & The 12 Ornaments of Christmas
Between now and December 25, I’m going to share 12 ornaments for Christmas, all of which will be a free knitting pattern, crochet pattern or a yarn craft. I’ve got some great ideas planned for this series that I’m super excited about, so let’s kick things off with a sweet, knitted star.
Hands Occupied in Knitscene!
Guess what? I’m the featured blogger in the current issue of Knitscene magazine!
My Yipes Stripes Cowl
I’ve never shared a finished object post, but many knitting blogs do, so I thought I’d give it a whirl! What’s a FO post? Basically, it’s a look at my take on another designer’s pattern, running down the yarn I used & why, pattern highlights and why I wanted to knit the pattern in the first place.
Picks of the Week
If you’re like me and haven’t started your holiday crafting yet, you might want to make one of these fun (and easy) yarn projects this weekend to cross some gifts off your to-do list.
Eucalan Fiber Wash Review & Giveaway
Eucalan is a fiber wash originally designed for woolens. The founder of Eucalan, Mary Ellen Edgar, invented Eucalan after discovering a no rinse laundry product in Australia. Living in the country necessitated being conscious of water consumption, so a no rinse laundry solution was perfect for her home.