Get your hands on this fun, free & easy pattern for a square knit shawl, perfect to show off those fancy, one-skein yarns you haven’t quite found the right use for!
Picks of the Week
Tomorrow is Halloween! I’m super excited to get in my scarecrow getup again and have blast hanging out with friends and family.
October Sponsor Spotlight
October is on its way out, which means it’s about time I highlight the great sponsors we have on board this month!
Currently Knitting
Knitting season is in full swing, and I’ve been busy developing and working on a lot of designs for winter and spring releases this month. Based on where I’m at with sketching, collaborating, swatching, designing and finally knitting these new creations, you guys can brace yourself for lots of winter accessories, and even a fun baby project headed your way!
Picks of the Week
It’s the week before Halloween, which means there were so many amazing yarn crafts published this week.
Feel Good Yarn Co. Review & Giveaway
Feel Good Yarn Co. yarn is made with real silver, making it perfect for therapeutic projects to encourage circulation like hand warmers or socks.
Sometimes I design non-yarn crafts too. (+A Giveaway!)
Check out the new book Washi Tape Crafts, which includes a fun design from yours truly. Enter to win a copy too!
DIY Scarecrow Couples Costume
Not everyone has an abundance of time to make costumes every year, my husband and I included. Instead of slaving over some of the cleverer costumes we’ve done in the past, I opted for an easy DIY couples costume this year – a couple of scarecrows!
Picks of the Week
It’s mid-October, which means we’re at the point where we have to decide if it’s too late to incorporate yarn into Halloween costumes or not. I vote yes! I’m going to be buckling down this weekend to knock out my vision for this year’s getup, and I’m crossing my fingers my vision matches the reality of the finished costume. Wish me luck!