Sometimes a knitting project requires sewing. If you’ve been knitting for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that you have to weave in ends. I prefer to weave in my knit ends with a tapestry (yarn) needle since I feel like it goes a little faster. This is probably the most common form sewing takes in my knitting. The second most common sewing action that happens in my knitting is the kitchener stitch. Also known as grafting your knitting, the kitchener stitch lets you join two ends of knitting, and if done right, it looks seamless.
Picks of the Week
Happy Halloween and TGIF, all in one! Unsurprisingly, this week was full of great autumnal patterns, throws, and Halloweeny ideas online.
Ever had a Craft Fail?
We’ve all been there. We had an awesome idea (or at least saw one on Pinterest), we tried making it… and failed miserably. A new book just came out called Craft Fail that covers it all – everything from misspelled cross stitch to crochet mice that look more like rabid honey badgers!
How to attach sleeves / Knit Along Day 4
It’s sleeve attachment day! Today is the day your sweaters will start looking a LOT like sweaters, people! Despite how long this post is, attaching the sleeves really isn’t all that complicated. I just want to give you guys a thorough overview of the mechanics of how to attach bottom-up sweater sleeves. Since we’re dealing with math, words and photos (and a couple of animated GIFs, because I couldn’t help myself and do think they’re helpful), this post is long, but I think it really will help you understand sweater making! Let’s dive in, shall we?
Vogue Knitting Live Chicago
Holy cow, my last few days were busy! Luckily, it’s because I was at the Chicago installment of Vogue Knitting Live, and it was all incredible amounts of fun.
Picks of the Week
Next week is Halloween, which means there are tons of amazing, yarny ideas popping up online every day featuring costume ideas, home décor, and general fall outerwear.
How to knit perfect stripes
Have you ever noticed how adding a new color to a piece of knitting in the middle of the row totally makes a stair step in your work? That’s called a jog. But if you’re like me and like to make your knitting smooth when it’s not an excruciating pain in the butt, you’re in luck! There’s a thing called jogless stripes in knitting, and it’s totally easy to do.
Knit Along Day 3: The Other Sleeve
Last week’s installment of the fall knit along featured the pattern for the first sleeve for your Remy Pullover. This week is a bit of a repeat since it’s time for sleeve 2 of 2. There are a couple of variations you can do if you are a knitter who hates knitting things like mittens, socks and sweater sleeves. You know, projects that involve knitting things twice.
Picks of the Week
This was the week of lovely ladies modeling things they made on their blogs, apparently. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge how cute both they and their creations are! Along with a bunch of other adorable stand-out crochet & knitting patterns, the four accessories pictured stood out this week in the blogosphere.