Inspired by a love of action movies and lifelong wish to BE Sydney Bristow, this made-over compact makes me smile every time I reach for it in my purse. I used to carry around a vintage gold compact for powdering my nose, but the wear and tear on it was no good. Then I switched to a plastic, non-vintage compact, so it was ok when it got scratched up by keys or other purse ephemera. But it was looking pretty bad. The solution? Bust out the Mod Podge!
scrapbooking paper (I like my comic book paper, but any design is fine!)
antique matte or regular Mod Podge
sponge brush
acrylic sealant (optional)
First off, take a moment to drink in how freaking fun this BOOM, ZAP, POW comic book paper is. Next, trace around the compact with a pencil, and cut out a circle to cover the top and bottom of the compact.
Paint a layer of Mod Podge onto one side of your compact. If you’re using thick paper like me, you’ll want to be a little generous with the Podge.
Place one paper circle on the Mod Podge, lining it up however you like. Remember that when you open your compact, it might read upside down – or right side up – depending on how you’ve placed the circle!
Paint another layer of Mod Podge over your circle on the compact.
Let dry, and repeat the Mod Podge layer + circle placement + top layer of Mod Podge process a final time. Let dry completely.
If you feel like your finished compact is a little sticky to the touch, you can seal it with an acrylic spray. I love having this fun & colorful compact in my bag. What do you think – would you do comic book paper or are you into more subtle patterns? Remember – there’s almost no wrong way to DIY!
This project was originally posted at my girl Amy’s blog Mod Podge Rocks! …because, well, Mod Podge does rock ;)
Holy DIY Batman! lol
This is a such a cute project. I love the way it turned out and I liked how you used the antique matte mod podge. Personally, I would use either comic book paper or some type of food print scrapbooking paper (if I was making my own compacts).
Thanks For Sharing :)
Hah love that pic of you. Such an awesome DIY Heidi!
lol, thanks!
That comic book scrapbook paper is terrific! This would also be really fun to do with an antique comic book!