Etching is one of the quickest way to personalize or festive-ize glass items for any special occasion. With St. Paddy’s on Saturday, I thought that this would be the perfect holiday to show you guys this easy craft skill.
Armour Etch
paint brush
glass flask and/or pint glass
clear contact paper
permanent marker
Cut a square of clear contact paper slightly larger than the area you want your shape to fill up.
Draw a shamrock on the paper side of the contact paper. Cut out the inside of the shape as shown.
Make sure the glass surface you’re etching is clean and dry. Remove the backing from the contact paper and adhere the stencil onto the glass and remove any bubbles, particularly around the stencil’s edges. Paint a thick layer of armour etch onto the exposed glass. Try to make the layer of armour etch evenly thick.
Let the armour etch sit on the glass for 10 minutes. The directions on the back of the armour etch container say 5 minutes, but I don’t find the etching to be super visible after just 5.
After the 10 minutes, rinse all of the armour etch off the glass, and then remove the contact paper. Voila! Glass: etched.
I also made a shamrock pint glass and some green beer to be uber-festive. The flask, I filled with whiskey. Look at how patriotic the finished products turned out! Very Irish in so many ways. The colors, the cross (I live next to a vacant church that looks straight up dystopian and couldn’t help but include it in the pictures). Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Do you think this would be dishwasher safe? I would love to try this on several old glasses we have in order to give them a new look.
Yeah, they’re dishwasher safe. Since the glass is being physically “scratched” into (aka etched), it won’t disappear in the washer. If you were painting something onto the glass, that’s when you have to worry! Thanks for reaching out with your question :)