It’s winter, but the weather in Chicago has been so nice that I got all inspired to make outdoor furniture. Check it out…
Supplies 30 ft. of 1″ thick PVC pipe hacksaw 11, 90 degree connectors 1″ PVC pipe 8, t-shaped connectors for 1″ PVC pipe 2 end caps for 1″ PVC pipe 1.5 yd. fabric strong enough to support your weight sewing machine fabric scissors straight pins measuring tape permanent marker Directions Cut the PVC pipe into the following lengths: 14 18″ pieces 6 6″ pieces 2 12″ pieces 2 3″ pieces Assemble two sides for the chair, using the following photo for reference. The long pieces shown are 18″, and the shorter ones are 12″.
Assemble the laptop desk attachment like this, using two 3″ pieces, two 6″ pieces, and two 12″ pieces with the shown connectors:
There will be two 18″ pieces left over, and they’ll used to be form the chair’s seat. Sew a seat, back and sun shade with your fabric and sewing machine. These three pieces will need to be 16″ wide by 28″ long, with a casing that’s 1 1/4″ long (2 1/2″ around when sewn, to accommodate the pipe).
Assemble the laptop desk, and make a fabric piece that’s 9.5″ by 15.5″ to complete it. This piece will also need a casing (on the longer side) that’s 1.25″ in length.
Attach the desk to the chair on the appropriate side, depending if you’re left or right-handed. The connector piece for the arm rest the desk will connect to will be a T-shape, rather than a 90 degree piece.
I might be a total dork, but I love this chair! It fits in a yoga bag, can be easily used by a rightie or a leftie (I’m from a dexterously mixed family myself), and makes crafting, reading or chilling outdoors or on the beach a breeze!
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