Knitting Needle Conversion Chart
a.k.a. What size is my knitting needle?

- Hyphens (-) indicate there is not an equivalent size for the system of measurement listed in that column.
- All listed US & mm needle sizes are based on the Craft Yarn Council’s standards, an organization worth bookmarking for all needlearts lovers! UK & Canada equivalents and cross referencing was done using the following sites: Laughing Hens, Best Yarns, p2tog, & Deramores. There is some inconsistency among these sources regarding UK equivalents. Because of issues like this, I recommend always designing with mm sizing in mind. Millimeters are an objective standard of measurement, and you can never be too careful with gauge! :)

What a great resource to have handy! Thanks for this!
You’re welcome!
Fair to note that this style of UK numbering is a vintage system. Not really used for 30+ years. Still useful for old patterns, though.
Absolutely! It’s also a useful reference if you inherit needles from someone. Thanks for the tip! :)
I’ve had problems with US 1. Some brands are 2.25mm, and some (Addi) are 2.5mm. Some manufacturers list the 2.5mm as size 1-1/2. Since I knit socks on 2.25mm, I have to be careful when choosing new needles!
Yep! Addi size 1s have screwed me up in the past! That’s why, no matter what the needle says, I always measure the size using at least 2 needle gauges when designing. It may be a little paranoid, but it matters!