2020 has been a challenge, we all know this. A challenge for me has definitely been keeping up with drafting blog posts and newsletters. In the past, they’ve been an easy part of my routine. But I think between this crazy year and finishing my first book, I dealt with a bit of burnout. As they say though, 2020 is also a good time to practice being easy on ourselves, so with that in mind, here are a few of my favorite crafty picks of the season. Happy holidays! :)
Festive Finds
crochet gingerbread bear pattern -repeat crafter me
kids knit reindeer hat -gina michele
christmas elf amigurumi -sweet softies
crochet pocket scarf -all about ami
plaid knit trees -little red window
crochet rainbow stocking -divine debris
In case you missed it…
I’ve been really busy sharing beginner tutorials on TikTok, and it’s been a blast! Here’s my profile (you don’t have to have the app to view it on a computer 👍🏻 ).
Below you can watch my new YouTube tutorial up featuring Blocking 101 instruction for absolute beginners, and there’s a related blog post with great comparison photos if I do say so myself.
If you’re curious: I’ve been getting a ton of beginner tutorial requests lately (speaking of 2020), so it has felt like the right time to knock out some more beginner content. I’d been meaning to add lots of this content to the Hands Occupied content universe forever, so it’s a nice side project during these weird times. If you’ve ever got a tutorial request, beginner or otherwise, just reach out! You can comment on a blog post, social media share, or even shoot me an email at heidi -at- handsoccupied.com.
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