images via sources below
Such clever ideas this week! The weaving-inspired cookies and photo backdrop make with strips of plastic tablecloths are both particular standouts for really creative takes on yarn crafts. Can we just say officially that I called it? Latch hook is BACK, and there are 2 ideas here to prove it. Me bragging about being right aside 😜, I hope more bloggers embrace this trend because it’s so very fun, easy & addictive.
so much fun
DIY latch hook cushion cover -my poppet
weaving-inspired sugar cookies -a beautiful mess
easy crochet apple -repeat crafter me
pinata fringe photo backdrop (a.k.a. latch hooking with unusual materials) -a kailo chic life
macrame purse -fall for diy
granny square picnic blanket -dabbles & babbles
And the winner is!
The Berroco Aero giveaway winner is Kathleen M. Check your inbox for next steps, girlfriend! :)
in case you missed it…
Recent: Looking for things to knit?
The Very Serious Crafts Podcast: Episode 10 goes live Monday – catch up while you craft this weekend!
Ongoing: The Read Along Knit Along is coming September 1 – it’s nearly here! Save on the Intarsia Mountain pattern we’re knitting: use coupon code JACK for 15% through Sunday and get 10% off using REDFOX August 27-31.
After getting caught up on the Very Serious Crafts podcasts, I decided to investigate bobbin lace, but couldn’t find any nearby beginners classes. So, when I was in the store the other day, and a latch hook kit was in the clearance section, I decided that I had to get it. I made more than one latch hook projects as a kid in the 70’s, so I’m hoping the skill comes back to me quickly. I did have to go back and buy a latch hook, but now I’m ready to go. I can’t start it just yet (it will be a 12” square pillow), but I expect to finish it fairly quickly once I start it. Thanks for the inspiration!
No problem! I’m so glad to have more people with me on the latch hook wagon. (PS: I’ve got some more latch hook posts in the works too! Can’t stop, won’t stop. ;) )