images via sources below
There will always be more yarn crafts I want to do than I can ever do. I should get that embroidered on some kind of pillow or as a print or something. If I could always have nearly-completed socks in every new colorway of every great yarn, I’d be in heaven. As it is, I have a bunch of half completed sweaters, gifts and stashed yarn for projects I’d love to be able to make in a sitting. Alas, when it’s knitting and crochet projects we’re talking about, the productivity dream never meets the reality. Let’s add to the ole to-make list right now with this list of yarn crafts that have caught my eye this week!
top yarn craft ideas of the week!
crochet broomstick lace infinity scarf -morestomach
woven rope stool -the learner observer
crochet faux fur scarf -delia creates
machine knit intarsia “no signal” sweater -via make
diy yarn wall hanging -diy candy
knit stripey socks -knitted bliss
crochet circle button hat -rescued paw designs
yarn shag rug -urbansleekblonde
in case you missed it…
- New, free pattern: vintage checked mittens!
- How I balance two careers.
Thanks for the DIY Candy feature! Great picks!
That shag rug looks so cute, but it must be a nightmare to clean properly!
Love your web site and patterns. You really explain things well. Thank You