The Smell of Other People’s Houses author Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock, photo credit: Kristen Boyer
I have some ridiculously fantastic and fun news! Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock, author of our Read Along Knit Along book The Smell of Other People’s Houses (TSOOPH), will be live chatting about the book in our Ravelry group this Wednesday, November 2 at 1 p.m. CST! Bonnie-Sue is an Alaskan, former commercial fisherwoman and public radio reporter, brilliant author and, from what I can tell from our Twitter messaging, an all around nice person.
As a former librarian, I truly believe TSOOPH is on its way to winning this year’s Morris Award, which “honors a debut book published by a first-time author writing for teens and celebrating impressive new voices in young adult literature.” Her ability to convey the beauty in the everyday is what drew me to her writing, and her commitment to sharing people’s stories, no matter how mundane people might assume them to be, is something special.
I can’t wait to chat with Bonnie-sue this week! Those in attendance will also be entered to win a free copy of TSOOPH, in their choice of edition, courtesy of the author herself. :) Mark your calendars! Schedule your lunch breaks at work! We’ll be live chatting with The Smell of Other People’s Houses author, Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock this Wednesday, November 2 at 1 p.m. CST. Don’t forget to join the Hands Occupied Ravelry Group ahead of the chat so you’re ready! The chat will take place in the group’s chat room, which you can access here.
Read Along Knit Along Housekeeping & Giveaway Update
As an added bonus, this chat happening Wednesday means the Read Along Knit Along will be extended through midnight on Wednesday. You can enter the RALKAL giveaway in the box below, and you get prizes for being in the Ravelry group, reading TSOOPH and knitting the Other People’s Houses shawl. Isn’t that great?
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