*Couldn’t resist the Mean Girls reference. The more you listen to Very Serious Crafts, the more you’ll realize just how many puns and references are a key part of my personality.

The Very Serious Crafts Origin Story
In Mollie’s blog post about the development of the podcast, I think she said exactly what we were all thinking when we started discussing the idea of doing a crafts podcast: “This wasn’t really in my plan for this year, or even anytime really. But it happened.” And as Haley put it: “One conversation led to another, which led to some planning, which led to a Skype chat, and then it just kind of happened. But, turns out, it’s really fun to have an actual this-is-technically-doing-work excuse to hang out and talk crafts with pals I’d hardly ever get to talk to otherwise, and I kind of love it. (And I hope you kind of love it too!):
So I’ll say it too: It just kinda happened! :) For me, the last person to hop on board the Very Serious Crafts bus, here’s how it went down. Yes, it wasn’t in my plans for this spring, but there was no hesitation in my joining. When two of your craft-heroes-turned-internet-friends come knocking on your door (a.k.a. inbox) you answer! Haley and Mollie are two women whose work, and specifically their blogs, were among those that inspired me to start Hands Occupied in the first place almost 8 years ago. Seriously! I’ve always felt their creative work features a contemporary approach to craft design that maintains an awareness of and reverence for where crafting comes from. While all of our work has a would-be old fashioned love of technique, we’re all making fun and modern projects that try not to take things too seriously and simply embrace the joy of making.
It’s funny because maybe when my co-hosts read this post, they’ll be surprised that I’m completely intimidated and inspired by their work. But screw it, I’ll put it in writing because I can’t believe I’m collaborating on a project this fun with two women who are so admirable. At any rate, they’re also funny as heck, and I think you’ll enjoy listening to us talk for 45-60 minutes every other week while you commute, clean, or, obviously, work on some very serious crafts. Enjoy!

I’m completely intimidated and inspired by their work
Congratulations for the new project and eager to hear from you.
Thank you so much! :)