images via sources below
Thank goodness we’ve come to another Friday. Monday I had a wonderful day filled with crafts and planning a doozie of a project- I’ll share more on that another day. Tuesday and Wednesday, I had jury duty for the first time ever! While I can’t discuss the details of the case, I can share that I got all the way to the “we, the jury, find the defendant” part. If nothing else, it was for sure an interesting experience! And this weekend will be filled with catching up on all the work I missed while making secret plans and doing my civic duty – wish me luck. ;)
this was awesome
crafts, decor & more
leather clutch diy -trinkets in bloom
pinocchio cookies -handmade charlotte
metal stamped vintage key jewelry -i always pick the thimble
pillow case-revamped side table -mod podge rocks
diy nail polish easter eggs -little inspiration
manta ray amigurumi crochet pattern -pop’s de milk cuteness emporium
baked root vegetable chips with buttermilk parsley dip -oh my veggies
Started Daughter of Smoke & Bone. / RuPaul’s Drag Race season 6 is living up to all expectations so far! #norupaulogoies / Unearthing The White Stripes’ Elephant from my car’s CD collection has been fun.
in case you missed it…
- Pinch me, even though I’m Irish!
- Collections are the funnest things to organize.
- The baby boom shows no sign of stopping. Might as well knit through it.
- I’m ready for my [super spy] closeup!
Thank you for featuring my pillowcase table revamp! xoxo
Of course! I love the colors + the table’s legs.