Prizes provided by Artiphany, Eucalan, Knitter’s Pride & Zen Yarn Garden.

It can be hard to get excited about knitting in the summer, I know! When it’s extra hot, a lapful of wool is one of the least appealing things in the world. Finding motivation to stitch can be hard when you know that even if you do weave in all the ends on your WIP, it’s certainly too hot to wear that lopapeysa you finally steeked! (Not that anyone would ever be in that boat…)
Never fear, fiber friends! In an effort to keep your needles clicking (or hooks hooking, or looms humming…) this summer, I present to you the Big Summer Giveaway! It’s like our monthly yarn review & giveaway for August, but times four! In addition to yarn, the Wrap Up Your WIPs Giveaway prize package includes Eucalan Fiber Wash, a Social Knitworking tote from Artiphany, a Knitter’s Pride Knit & Purr Interchangeable Needle Set, and a Faded Flare Wrap Kit (my design!) from Zen yarn Garden. This prize package is epic – worth over $275! To enter, scroll to the bottom of this post. The normal entry methods are available, but you can super enter (your name goes in the drawing 5 times instead of just 1) for every WIP you finish by the end of August. This giveaway is a fun way to encourage folks in need of a bit of a push to wrap up those works-in-progress before fall hits. If you’ve got any questions that aren’t covered in this post, please feel free to reach out in the comments.

Sponsor Shout-out!
Up top, there’s a shot of the Knit & Purr Interchangeable Knitting Needles set if you’d like to see how it looks, and below are pictures of the other prizes featured in the Wrap Up Your WIPs Giveaway. I wanted to pause to say a quick, sincere thank you to Artiphany, Eucalan, Knitter’s Pride & Zen Yarn Garden for providing the prizes for this giveaway.
The Social Knitworking tote bag is absolutely adorable. I have one of my own, and it’s great for larger projects on-the-go! Seriously, mine has basically become my “briefcase” for carrying stuff between home and the Studio.

As a designer having recently finished a pattern with Zen Yarn Garden’s Superfine Fingering yarn (90/10 sw superfine merino/nylon, approx. 400 yds/skein), I can attest that it’s really nice to knit with. I’ve worked with ZYG for other reviews as well if you’d like to read more about their yarns.

Last but not least, the fiber wash and knitting needles featured are my favorites to use on a regular basis as a knitter. And now, here’s me doing my best tattooed Vanna White impression with fiber wash 😉:

Feeling lucky?
Enter to win this prize pack, worth over $275! Prize pack includes: 1 Faded Flare Wrap Kit (3 skeins Zen Yarn Garden Superfine Fingering yarn & 1 Faded Flare Wrap pattern), 2 Eucalan Wipes, 1 – 500mL bottle Eucalan delicate wash in Eucalyptus, 1 – 100 mL bottle Eucalan delicate wash in Eucalyptus, 1 Social Knitworking tote bag, and 1 set Knitter’s Pride Knit & Purr Interchangeable Knitting Needles. Giveaway is open to legal residents of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, & Australia only. Enter in the box provided below or here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Prizes provided by Artiphany, Eucalan, Knitter’s Pride & Zen Yarn Garden.
I am suddenly very motivated to finish my WIPs! I already submitted the form for one WIP that I finished last night after reading your ig post 😂 but is there a way to enter again if I finish more?
Hi Sarah,
I just changed the setting so you can enter more than one WIP. The only limitation (that I can’t control) is that you can’t use that option more than one time in a single day.
Best of luck!
I’ve been jumping between several different WIPs and have just finished a pair of Kammebornia’s Bits & Pieces mitts! Since I’ve been cash poor, I’ve been stash busting as well. Love, love, love everything pictured in this give away 💗
So glad to hear it! I was giddy that so many favorites said yes to contributing prizes! :)
Dont understand where do you enter? I love your dress!
This giveaway ended in August, but there’s an entry form if you scroll down a bit. I use the same entry form style for almost all of my giveaways, and I go a giveaway each month. So stay tuned for October’s in the coming weeks. :)
i’m confused (not unusual for me….). I entered once, before I’d finished my shawl. I just finished it yesterday…So, in what way do I prove that I finished it, vis-a-vis the contest entry? It’s a shocking pink bubblegum version of Life is Cozy’s Stormy Sky Shawl.
I finished the Rainfall shawl by Margaret with Heidi and Lana on 8/25/19. I can’t seem to enter it into the giveaway since I completed another project earlier in the contest. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Just shot you a follow up email! :)